by Jim Rice | May 18, 2019 | 1980-1991 Starr-Gregg-Infante, blog
What else needs to be...
by Jim Rice | Mar 5, 2019 | 1980-1991 Starr-Gregg-Infante, 1999-2004 Post Holmgren, blog, Gold Membership, Packer Profiles
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by Jim Rice | Feb 19, 2019 | 1980-1991 Starr-Gregg-Infante, blog
Rookie kicker, Mike Farley, didn’t know what he was getting into when he arrived at Green Bay Packers Training camp in 1985. Here’s what happened when he met BIG defensive end Ezra Johnson (6′ 4″, 250+) on the way to the training table! A...
by Jim Rice | Jan 17, 2019 | 1980-1991 Starr-Gregg-Infante, blog, Human Interest
Here are two stories from Dan Frye from New Glarus, Wisconsin. Dan is a proud shareholder of Packer stock, and he recounts for The Packers’ Century two stories about going to games. The first recalls his travels to the games as a youngster. As you’ll see,...
by Jim Rice | Dec 14, 2018 | 1980-1991 Starr-Gregg-Infante, blog
Rick reminds The Packers’ Century about that famous Chester Marcol “kick” in overtime to beat the Bears in...
by Jim Rice | Nov 13, 2018 | 1980-1991 Starr-Gregg-Infante, blog
Can you imagine being in high school and meeting James Lofton in a hotel room to sign...
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